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I remain stunned at how many resources have been consumed in the hunt for J6 rioters that now extends to nearly all in the crowd. It likely dwarfs the Mueller investigation of $25M+. Not to mention the compete destruction of lives as Julia Kelly has revealed. I maintain that Pence could have calmed the crowd if he was allowed and brave enough, but no matter. The crowd became a riot once flash bangs and rubber bullets were used on a packed crowd with little escape. That implied a lack of training or perhaps an engineered effort to produce a desired effect. We won't know until we ask and we don't seem so inclined. So who ordered the use of those tools? And who were the handy guys with bullhorns directing the riot into the building? Was that all planned by those who understand crowd dynamics? And who removed the barriers and signage so that the crowd didn't know they were trespassing? Who planned that? IMHO the crowd was setup to force no investigation or discussion of the irregularities of the election. And so we now have feckless politicians afraid to speak out about the abuses of the DoJ in handling the incarceration and show trials of J6 rioters many who were not connected to any violence. Then the harsh sentences delivered for minor offenses to teach us all not to mess with with the real powers.

We have turned a blind eye toward the ballot issues, nit wanting to look "political" as partisans find all sorts of issues that only appear in telegram channels. Once the Republicans deploy similar tricks with phantom voters and bogus ballots, the democracy game is over. Nobody will trust the vote. And it need not be massive, just well targeted as demographics and voter rolls can be corrupted.

The dual system of justice proves corruption have we the honesty to really dig deep via Congress?

PS - Thanks for allowing comments. You might want to issue a notice. SubStack seemed to really wish to grow revenue. Sadly, I can't afford all I might want.

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