How Biden & Democrats in Congress has weaponized and politized the DOJ & FBI with a complicit media in the biggest abuse of political power in US history in their quest to indict a former President
In less than 5 months we will find out where this great country is headed, course correction or road to destruction. This is the pivotal point for our nation as it cannot continue down this road of two completely competing alternative realties
We can hope that the Republicans get back control of Congress to create some sunlight. The massive overreach by the Democrats is insane almost as if they know Republicans can never gain control. We can hope faith in government can be restored as the public arises out of the ashes of incited fear.
Maybe it is just me, but know this Fear is a great motivator. What you choose to do with this fear is your choice. And if anyone expresses fear at this point, that person alone will become a sheeple. And the Dems will see this as weakness. We must remember Moses, David and others in the Bible. These men feared what would happen. The outcome put in place by GOD was more important then their fears. Being afraid is a healthy response when you think they are more powerful than you. Remember; don’t mistake my silence for ignorance, don’t take my calmness for acceptance and never take my kindness for weakness. Fear is a great motivator. Don’t sit down, find the path where you should go. We have powers in the numbers. Have you ever witnessed such numbers that have great power and purpose. We don’t have time to wallow in fear. Get out and vote. Many will not share with you because the fear they have placed us in. Do you want the America to be like this. Some will share some won’t because the unknown is frighten. I choose to stand up and be counted, I will vote til the day I die. You don’t recognize the changes going around you. Watch NewsMax, you will find a better environment of knowledge, all others except OAN are fully muddled coverage. The Dems are fighting right now because of our collective power. They will put forth polls that say this or that. Remember Trump’s rallies. Pure, unequalled truth.
There will come a day, when all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will again triumph. Joseph Gobbels hopefully that day is coming sooner than later
Insanity; doing the same actions over and over to the same outcome. The white jackets need to be put on the clearly insane. Over here!!! They went thru the left door.
In less than 5 months we will find out where this great country is headed, course correction or road to destruction. This is the pivotal point for our nation as it cannot continue down this road of two completely competing alternative realties
We can hope that the Republicans get back control of Congress to create some sunlight. The massive overreach by the Democrats is insane almost as if they know Republicans can never gain control. We can hope faith in government can be restored as the public arises out of the ashes of incited fear.
Maybe it is just me, but know this Fear is a great motivator. What you choose to do with this fear is your choice. And if anyone expresses fear at this point, that person alone will become a sheeple. And the Dems will see this as weakness. We must remember Moses, David and others in the Bible. These men feared what would happen. The outcome put in place by GOD was more important then their fears. Being afraid is a healthy response when you think they are more powerful than you. Remember; don’t mistake my silence for ignorance, don’t take my calmness for acceptance and never take my kindness for weakness. Fear is a great motivator. Don’t sit down, find the path where you should go. We have powers in the numbers. Have you ever witnessed such numbers that have great power and purpose. We don’t have time to wallow in fear. Get out and vote. Many will not share with you because the fear they have placed us in. Do you want the America to be like this. Some will share some won’t because the unknown is frighten. I choose to stand up and be counted, I will vote til the day I die. You don’t recognize the changes going around you. Watch NewsMax, you will find a better environment of knowledge, all others except OAN are fully muddled coverage. The Dems are fighting right now because of our collective power. They will put forth polls that say this or that. Remember Trump’s rallies. Pure, unequalled truth.
There will come a day, when all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will again triumph. Joseph Gobbels hopefully that day is coming sooner than later
Excellent recap of the hard facts. Sadly, there is little we the people can do to correct this except vote.
Hopefully the voters will realize that they have the power to stop this crap by voting in Nov for candidates whom promise to stop this lawlessness
Agree 100%
Insanity; doing the same actions over and over to the same outcome. The white jackets need to be put on the clearly insane. Over here!!! They went thru the left door.