This is a professional analysis exposing the “Big Lie,” in educating the public of how the key findings in the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) report were used by the conspirators with a complicit media in promoting the false flag disinformation Trump Russian collusion hoax to deceive the American public in obstructing the Trump Presidency. The ICA report findings concluded that Putin, and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump and that Putin, and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances, by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. 1
This analysis of the ICA has connected the dots showing how the conspirators by manipulating legitimate raw intelligence in the ICA was used in obstructing the Trump Presidency. The actions of the conspirators claiming that the Russians favored Trump over Clinton in the 2016 Presidential election is evidence of a criminal overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy when Director Brennan and others ignored intelligence information that the Russian's favored Clinton. 2
More importantly, it exposed President Obama role in the conspiracy by continuing the conspiratorial agreement of the Hillary-DNC plan by promoting a manufactured document the ICA, after Trump election as evidence to the public that Trump and members of his team colluded with the Russians. 3 4
On 6 December 2016, President Obama Orders the Director of The Central Intelligence Agency Assess the Impact of Russian Activities by The Intelligence Community (FBI, CIA, and NSA) Agencies on The Russian Interference, “In The 2016 Presidential Election and Set an End of Month Deadline for To Present to The Public.” This Ensured Obama’s Own Intelligence Chiefs Would Complete the Report and That the Report Would Be Submitted to the President Allowing President Obama to Control the Narrative. The effort was headed by CIA Director Brennan and FBI counterespionage chief Peter Strzok. 5
January 2017, outgoing President Obama issued an executive order directing the NSA to distribute data collected via wiretapping, and the December 2016 ICA review to be distributed to all of the 16 other U.S. intelligence agencies making it easier for the nation’s intelligence agencies to share unfiltered information about innocent people and more difficult for investigators to identify leakers. 6
The March 5, 2018, letter to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, Adm. Rogers informed the committee that a two-page summary of the dossier was “added” as an “appendix to the ICA draft,” and that consideration of that appendix was “part of the overall ICA review/approval process. 7
According to a Fox news article dated July 29, 2020, by Brooke Singman, FBI Comey and McCabe pushed for inclusion of the Steele dossier into the body of the ICA, but CIA Director Brennan and CIA analysts disagreed and was left out of the body of the report and put into the Annex A of the ICA. McCabe stated the reason the FBI wanted the Dossier included in the body of the ICA was because President Obama wanted all FBI information included in the ICA.
September 24, 2020, Real Clear Investigations published an article by Paul Sperry titled “Secret Report: How CIA’s Brennan Overruled Dissenting Analysts Who Concluded Russia Favored Hillary.” 8
Sperry reported former CIA Director John Brennan personally edited a crucial section of the intelligence report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and assigned a political ally to take a lead role in writing it after career analysts disputed Brennan’s take that Russian leader Vladimir Putin intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump clinch the White House, according to two senior U.S. intelligence officials who have seen classified materials detailing Brennan’s role in drafting the document.
Sperry learned that one of the CIA operatives who helped Brennan draft the ICA, Andrea Kendall-Taylor, financially supported Hillary Clinton during the campaign and is a close colleague of Eric Ciaramella, identified last year by RCI as the Democratic national security “whistleblower” whose complaint led to Trump’s impeachment, ending in Senate acquittal in January 2020.
Sperry reported the two officials said Brennan, who openly supported Clinton during the campaign, excluded conflicting evidence about Putin’s motives from the report, despite objections from some intelligence analysts who argued Putin counted on Clinton winning the election and viewed Trump as a “wild card.”
Sperry stated that the dissenting analysts found that Moscow preferred Clinton because it judged she would work with its leaders, whereas it worried Trump would be too unpredictable. As secretary of state, Clinton tried to “reset” relations with Moscow to move them to a more positive and cooperative stage, while Trump campaigned on expanding the U.S. military, which Moscow perceived as a threat.
Sperry noted the analysts said they also came under political pressure to back Brennan’s judgment that Putin personally ordered “active measures” against the Clinton campaign to throw the election to Trump, even though the underlying Intelligence was “weak.”
January 30, 2024, Paul Sperry RealClearInvestigtions published an article titled “New CIA Director: Evidence Didn’t Support Brennan’s Explosive Trump-Russian Assessment. Sperry stated CIA Director Ratcliffe said in written testimony, that the underlying evidence he’s seen doesn’t support former Obama Administration CIA Director John Brennan’s conclusion that Russia interfered in the 2016 Presidential election to help Trump win. This revelation confirms the conspiratorial agreement of the plot to destroy trump by interfering in a Presidential Election to deceive the American people. 9
The declassified footnotes in the DOJ/IG report purported that the Intelligence Community knew in July 2016, that the Steele dossier purportedly contained Russian disinformation as part of a Russian false flag disinformation effort by the Russian Intelligence service (RIS) who the IC claimed had penetrated the Steele source network using a RIS asset in providing the allegations to Steele that were part of his dossier. 10
However, in Durham court filings, Durham purports it was the Clinton campaign and the DNC that fabricated the false narrative tying Trump and his campaign to the Russians. Durham court filings refuted the DOJ/IG declassified footnotes as evidence of a Russian false flag disinformation campaign by the Russian Intelligence Service and that the Steele dossier was Russian disinformation. 11 12
The declassified notes in the IG report used phrasing such as “they suspected that Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) had penetrated the Steele source network and provided Russian disinformation for the Steele dossier,” exemplifies how the conspirators knowingly created the illusion to deceive the public by promoting with a complicit media that the Steele dossier was Russian disinformation as part of the Hillary-DNC false flag operation as the centerpiece to sabotage the Trump Presidency. 13
The declassified footnotes in the DOJ/IG report inferred there was evidence of Trump Russian collusion is there, but its classified, is not evidence, its hearsay and like all hearsay its fails because it cannot be properly examined or verified. Its classic tradecraft used by Intelligence agencies in giving illusion that there “Ties to Russian Intelligence” using the lies and deception technique allowing for malefactors like Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok and the Mueller team to infer there is fire when there is only smoke. 14
Four years of research analysis reported in these sub stack articles, establishes a pattern of criminality in manufacturing and manipulating evidence by the conspirators in promoting the Russian hoax:
Fabrication of the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) report in combination with the Steele Dossier were the fact documents used by the Obama administration to deceive the public giving the appearance that there was consensus of among all 17 intelligence agencies in the Intelligence Community that “Vladimir Putin ordered” the hacking and leaking of Clinton campaign emails “to help Trump’s chances of victory.” The ICA did not reflect the consensus of the intelligence community as DNI Clapper decided not to put the assessment out to all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies for review. Instead, he limited input to a couple dozen chosen analysts from just three agencies — the CIA, NSA and FBI. FBI Comey and McCabe said President Obama wanted all FBI information on the Steele Dossier included in the ICA and that is why the FBI pushed for inclusion of the Steele dossier into the body of the ICA. CIA Director Brennan disagreed, and the dossier was left out in the body of the report instead put into the Annex A of the ICA. Conflicting testimony by CIA Director Brennan has sworn the dossier was not “in any way" used as a basis for the ICA which conflicts with NSA Director Rogers testimony. Rogers stated that the dossier was “added” as an “appendix to the ICA draft,” and that consideration of that appendix was “part of the overall ICA review/approval process.” That the dossier did factor in. Rogers has testified that while he was sure the Russians wanted to hurt Clinton, he wasn't as confident as CIA and FBI officials that their actions were designed to help Trump, explaining that such as assessment "didn't have the same level of sourcing and the same level of multiple sources.”
July 31, 2016, the case opening document FBI Electronic Communication by Special Agent Peter Strzok II titled "Crossfire Hurricane; Foreign Agents Registration Act-Russia; Sensitive Investigative Matter, Case opening. The FBI document is documentary evidence of how the FBI manufactured the ruse of using FARA as the legal predication, yet nowhere in the opening case document is there any evidence of any FARA violations and the fact that Strzok wrote and also was the approving official on the opening case document violated FBI procedural investigative guidelines. 15
The case opening document shows that the FBI Crossfire Hurricane investigation team conducted a sham investigation into Team Trump based upon bar talk and innuendo and did not meet the legal standards for predication as the basis to open up counterintelligence or criminal investigations. 16
August 19, 2020, former FBI Lawyer Kevin Clinesmith plead guilty in Federal Court to making False statements under 18 USC 101a for altering an email from the CIA about former Trump Campaign Advisor Carter Page, that Page was not a source for the CIA when Page was. Clinesmith altered information were used in the third and four FISA warrant renewals applications on Team Trump member Page. 17
The plead by Clinesmith is an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy of how the FBI manufactured evidence against Team Trump. According to Durham’s charging document and information in IG Horowitz report, certain individuals on the FBI crossfire hurricane team were informed in August 2016 in a memo that Page was a CIA asset. Clinesmith Lawyers argued their client provided the unchanged CIA email to members of the FBI crossfire team and the DOJ Lawyer prior in drafting the first FISA warrant application in October 2016, yet Page exculpatory information was not included in the FISA applications warrants.
Durham in both indictments, court filing and evidence presented at Sussman’s trial describes the modus operandi or the means of the false flag conspiracy plan of how the Clinton campaign and DNC lawyers Michael Sussman and Marc Elias implemented the criminal conspiracy scheme by manufacturing and manipulating opposition research information, where they reportedly paid a technology company to penetrate servers in Trump Tower, Trump NY apartment and the White House by creating falsified documents, white papers and data files, purporting a secret communications channel between the Trump organization and Russian-connected Alfa Bank.
The information excluded by the trial judge in the Sussman trial and the evidence presented at trial establishes how the conspirators conspired to generate an "inference" or "narrative" that Trump was colluding with Russia and then feed the phony information of the Alpa bank ruse to the FBI to trigger an investigation of Trump giving the appearance the FBI investigation was legally predicated and provide cover to the FBI in supporting their false flag narrative as to the origin of Crossfire Hurricane when the facts of Durham’s investigation will show that none of the FBI investigations into Trump and team Trump were ever legally predicated.
The Congressional transcripts of former top Obama officials, Clapper, Powers, Rice, Rhoades, and Farkus swore under oath before the House Intelligence Committee acknowledged they had no “empirical evidence of a conspiracy between the trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 election. Yet for the last five years, these same former Obama administration officials who swore under oath promoted the manufactured Russian false flag collusion hoax using both the ICA and Steele dossier documents as their evidence in deceiving the public that Trump colluded with the Russians which are all overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy. 18 19
The fact that the conspirators included the discredited Steele dossier and used the manipulated information in the ICA in giving the appearance to the public that the Russians were the responsible party is evidence of their false flag conspiracy operation as a cover to hide their criminal actions. 20
The notes of CIA Director Brennan are a critical key piece of documentary evidence that corroborates that President Obama was briefed by Brennan on how the Steele dossier was part of the plan by Hillary Clinton and the DNC to damage Trump candidacy to distract the public attention away from Hillary Clinton email scandal. 21
The notes of CIA Director Brennan are the critical piece of documentary evidence in establishing the conspiratorial agreement in exposing the false flag disinformation plan by Hillary & the DNC. 22
The mere fact that President Obama and Director Brennan knew about the plan, yet CIA Director Brennan sent an electronic communication in late July 2016, asking FBI Director Comey to open up four separate counterintelligence investigations on members of Team Trump and then in December 2016, the actions of President Obama ordering the ICA review where the FBI, NSA and CIA never considered nor assessed Hillary Clinton and the DNC ties to Russia. 23
In March 2016, President Obama by shutting down the CIA unit strategic Foreign Denial and Deception Committee (FDDC) responsible for countering the Russian disinformation threat that had been operating for over 30 years and in August 2016, President Obama ignores warnings by Intelligence Community of increased Russian cyber threats by issuing a stand down order for U.S. Intelligence agencies to stand down in countering the Russians cyber-attacks. President Obama actions put US National Security at risk which are in direct conflict with his actions of ordering the ICA review. 24 25 26
President Barack Obama approved a statement by the U.S. intelligence community in October 2016 accusing Russia of stealing emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC), despite the U.S. government not having obtained the DNC server images crucial to ascertaining whether Moscow was involved in the theft. 27
During an interview in December 2016, with the Daily Show’s Trevor Noah, Obama downplayed the hack of a private email account of Clinton campaign chief John Podesta, defending his administration for revealing in October that the Russian government was connected. 28
“None of this should be a big surprise,” Obama said, “Russia trying to influence our elections dates back to the Soviet Union.”
Obama dismissed the hack and the leaked emails as “not very interesting” and lacking “explosive” revelations. He puzzled as to why it was an “obsession” by the news media despite the knowledge that the Russians were responsible.
Accuracy in Media article by Cliff Kincaid on January 19, 2017, lays out how the CIA and its media allies have thrown everything but the proverbial kitchen sink at President Donald J. Trump. 29
Kincaid lays out in the article how Media bias, anonymous sources, and intelligence “garbage” have been on display.
Kincaid highlights how the 25-page ICA report on alleged Russian hacking activities spent a significant part of their analysis watching broadcasts of Russia Today (RT) television.
Kincaid purports that RT has historically been a mouthpiece of “progressives” favorable to the Democratic Party as the Obama administration saw RT in the past as part of the “progressive” media organizations supporting left-wing causes.
Kincaid noted that the ICA conclusions based upon their understanding Russian motives and intentions, that seven pages of the ICA report were devoted to RT television being a front for the Russian government.
Kincaid stated Accuracy in Media has published dozens of stories over the years about RT’s service to the Moscow regime and raised the issue why didn’t the Obama Justice Department act on TV producer Jerry Kenney’s complaint that RT should register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and be labeled as foreign propaganda? That’s what the law requires. 30
Kincaid indicated that this wasn’t the only documented case of Obama administration inaction on the Russian threat at that time and cited the example of TV producer Kenney allegation of alleged violations of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules that had given foreign broadcasters such as RT access to taxpayer-funded public television stations. The FCC dropped the complaint when the TV stations amended their contract with MHz Networks, the distributor of RT, to allow the station to preempt the foreign programming. 31
Kincaid concluded the evidence is clear: Obama’s various federal agencies, including the Department of Justice, the FCC and the FEC, refused to take any direct action against RT over the years when it was engaging in anti-Republican activities and supporting the progressive movement. But when they saw they could use RT as a weapon against Trump, they suddenly became concerned about foreign interference in the U.S. political process. 32
After the election of Trump, President Obama and members of his administration continued the conspiratorial agreement with a complicit media by establishing a pattern of activity of working together with other co-conspirators for the common purpose to deceive the American public by promoting Hillary-DNC-Obama disinformation false flag plan to obstruct and sabotage the Executive branch of government. The information presented in this article should lead any reasonable person to conclude that the findings of the ICA were manipulated to deceive the American people that the Russians favored Trump over Hillary Clinton. 33 34 35
References and Citations
ICA_2017_01.pdf (dni.gov)
Secret Report: How CIA's Brennan Overruled Dissenting Analysts Who Concluded Russia Favored Hillary | RealClearInvestigations
How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency (nypost.com)
What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It? - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
The Steele Dossier & the Intelligence Community Assessment (themarketswork.com)
Obama Expands Surveillance Powers on His Way Out | Electronic Frontier Foundation (eff.org)
The Steele Dossier & the Intelligence Community Assessment (themarketswork.com)
Secret Report: How CIA's Brennan Overruled Dissenting Analysts Who Concluded Russia Favored Hillary | RealClearInvestigations
https://thefederalist.com/2020/04/13/new-info-doj-fbi-knew-trump-surveillance-was-based-on-russian-disinformation/ https://www.justice.gov/storage/120919-examination.pdf https://thefederalist.com/2020/04/16/9-key-points-from-newly-declassified-report-details-on-fisa-abuse
https://thefederalist.com/2020/04/13/new-info-doj-fbi-knew-trump-surveillance-was-based-on-russian-disinformation/ https://www.justice.gov/storage/120919-examination.pdf https://thefederalist.com/2020/04/16/9-key-points-from-newly-declassified-report-details-on-fisa-abuse
https://thefederalist.com/2020/04/13/new-info-doj-fbi-knew-trump-surveillance-was-based-on-russian-disinformation/ https://www.justice.gov/storage/120919-examination.pdf https://thefederalist.com/2020/04/16/9-key-points-from-newly-declassified-report-details-on-fisa-abuse
Judicial Watch Receives Originating FBI "EC" Electronic Communication - The Start of Crossfire Hurricane... - The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com)
Judicial Watch Receives Originating FBI "EC" Electronic Communication - The Start of Crossfire Hurricane... - The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com)
FBI Attorney Admits Altering Email Used for FISA Application During "Crossfire Hurricane" Investigation | USAO-CT | Department of Justice
House intel transcripts show top Obama officials had no 'empirical evidence' of Trump-Russia collusion | Fox News
Declassified transcripts show Obama officials could not provide evidence of Russia-Trump collusion | Daily Mail Online
Hemingway: FBI Weaponized 'Ludicrous' Collusion Hoax To Target Trump (thefederalist.com)
DNI declassifies Brennan notes, CIA memo on Hillary Clinton 'stirring up' scandal between Trump, Russia | Fox News
DNI declassifies Brennan notes, CIA memo on Hillary Clinton 'stirring up' scandal between Trump, Russia | Fox News
Here's Why Devin Nunes Could Submit a Criminal Referral for CIA Director John Brennan... - The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com)
Inside the Ring: Counterdeception unit to close - Washington Times
US capability to combat foreign deception was shut down, but nobody can explain why – Center for Security Policy
Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016 (yahoo.com)
Obama Crushes Conspiracy: No Evidence that Russia Tampered with Votes in Election (breitbart.com)
How Obama’s CIA Manipulated the Media - Accuracy in Media (aim.org)
How Obama’s CIA Manipulated the Media - Accuracy in Media (aim.org)
How Obama’s CIA Manipulated the Media - Accuracy in Media (aim.org)
How Obama’s CIA Manipulated the Media - Accuracy in Media (aim.org)
How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency (nypost.com)
Insiders: Obama Holdover 'Shadow Government' Plotting to Undermine Trump (breitbart.com)
Here’s the list: The top ten instances where the deep state FBI, DOJ and CIA spies attempted to set up the Trump campaign and administration (falseflag.news)
[Note: This analysis was created by a former Retired DEA Supervisory Special Agent John Seaman with over 30 years’ experience conducting complex conspiracy investigations. Seaman is the co-author of an article Taliban Include Heroin Kingpins in Leadership - by Gretchen Peters and John Seaman - SpyTalk and author of Ideology and Political Correctness Trump Reality and reference in article The secret story of how America lost the drug war with the Taliban - POLITICOPOLITICO]
All 3 letter agencies must be dissolved
I just cannot watch the Jan 6 witch trial. Durham’s court should have this front row seat like watergate did. All america needs to see Brennan, Hillary, Comey, Obama, Orr, McCabe, Strok, Schiff, Pelosi on down on the stand facing their former accusations and notes that tell their lies and involvement to take out an elected president and the corruption of e-mails it was hiding. This was sedition. The thought that they will not be held accountable on this earth is so disheartening. The MSM’s role of pushing their lies is disgusting. I can’t ever watch or believe them again. Thanks John for your reporting and epoch times.